Article archive
01/02/2009 23:50
Please read the blog entry on the copyright issues.
Leiam, por favor o post sobre copyright issues.
01/02/2009 19:26
The January Evaluation is online it's under Students. Go check it out.
A avaliação dos trabalhos de Janeiro já está online, está na página dos Students. Consultem-na.
25/01/2009 15:45
I've just added a new page called Tool of the day to the teachers section. Check it out! :)
Acabei de adicionar uma nova página chamada Tool of the day na secção dos professores. Consultem-na! :)
22/01/2009 19:04
Our blog has been moved to blogger. Check it out!
O nosso blog foi mudado para o blogger. Visite-nos!
22/01/2009 18:51
Since the blog provided by webnode doesn't allow commenting on each post I have decided to move this part of the blog to Blogger. Feel free to leave me some feedback. Just click HERE or the thumbnail version of the page below to visit it.
Uma vez que o blog fornecido pelo site da webnode não...
22/01/2009 16:40
Your 3rd assignment is to gather photos of our country and organize them in a powerpoint presentation that should then be placed online through slideshare. This is due on 27th of January.
Your 4th assignment is simply to create a drawing on the Bomomo site, save it, name it, write a short text on...
22/01/2009 16:09
Check our blog to find out the details of your 3rd and 4th assignment.
Consulta o nosso blog para saberes os pormenores da 3ª e 4ª tarefa.
21/01/2009 16:27
Good work guys! Most of you have successfully completed your first assignments. Am really proud of you. I know you have a lot going on at the same time so a very special thanks for your commitment. :)
Bom trabalho!A maioria de vós conseguiu completar as vossas primeiras tarefas com sucesso. Estou...
20/01/2009 00:31
I've just added a small animated movie I created at the xtranormal website. :)
Adicionei um pequeno filme animado que criei no website Xtranormal. :)
19/01/2009 12:34
I have added Zaid's list to the links to web 2.0 directories. Check it out, you won't be disapointed.
Adicionei ao directório das web 2.0, a lista criada por Zaid. Consultem-na, não vão ficar desapontados.