
Around the world with 80 schools

10/01/2009 17:29
It's official! We are now part of the project Around the World with 80 Schools developed by Silvia Tolisano, who is trying to circle the globe by connecting, via Skype, 80 schools from all around the world. Read the blog entry on it.


First Assignment

04/01/2009 04:26
Ok guys now that you have set up your blog it's time to start using it. Go check the blog page to see what you need to do.   Ok minha gente, agora que já todos criaram um blog está na hora de começar a utilizá-lo. Verifiquem a página do blog para ver o que têm de fazer.


Visitors notice

03/01/2009 00:00
This is where I will be posting all the news and events on this website, so keep an eye on it! É aqui que irei colocar todas as notícias e eventos deste website, por isso mantenham-se atentos a esta secção!


Creative Commons License
zarco english by Alexandra Francisco is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Partilha nos termos da mesma Licença 2.5 Portugal License.